4 Things to Keep in Mind When Naming Your Game

You can develop the best iPhone game in the world, but you won’t get anywhere if its name stinks. On the App Store, first impression may be the only one you’ll ever make and that’s why it’s important to grab your potential user’s attention straight away. You can achieve that by having a great name and a great game icon. And while the icon is important too, your game’s name is what makes people download. Here are four things you should keep in mind when brainstorming for a name for your new mobile game.

1. Don’t be a copycat

Everybody knows that cloning games is a really bad idea. And it’s an equally bad idea to copy a game’s name. It can be very tempting to use a popular game name and modify it a little, but that can lead to disaster. Your game name should be unique, just like your game.

2. Make the name catchy

Do you want your game to spread like wildfire? A catchy name will help a lot. Try to think of a name that will be descriptive, creative and easy to remember. Think of how your game’s name will look on the App Store along with other games that appear in search. Your job is to think of a name that will make people click on your game first.

3. Keep it short

Your users are browsing the App Store on their mobile devices, which means that they have limited screen space. A long game name will get cut off and look terrible. So keep your game’s name under 11 characters.

4. Keep things simple

OK, so you definitely want to be creative with your game’s name. But sometimes people get too creative, to the point where the name loses simplicity and becomes hard to understand and difficult to pronounce. Remember to keep your game’s name simple, so that people can easily read it and remember it.

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