Game Development, technology articles and tutorials from Fan Studio

Fan Studio

Save the Planet – Airplane Fighter Is a New Shooter Game with Retro Touches

Get ready to go old school! Save the Planet – Airplane Fighter is a vertically scrolling shoot ‘em up (STG) style game

Fan Studio

Things You Should Do to Improve Your App’s Search Visibility

Let’s face it, nobody knows how search engines work.

Things You Should Do to Improve Your App's Search Visibility - Graphic design

Fan Studio

Things to Consider When Raising App Price from Free to $0.99

The App Store has thousands of free apps. Some of them are 100% free and rely on advertising to get revenue

Things to Consider When Raising App Price from Free to $0.99 - Android

Fan Studio in App Marketing

3 Tricks to Selling More In-App Purchases from Your Game

Does your game offer in-app purchases?

3 Tricks to Selling More In-App Purchases from Your Game - Mobile app development

Fan Studio in App Marketing

How to Get Valuable Feedback for Your App

When you release your mobile app, there are bound to be some things that users may not like,

How to Get Valuable Feedback for Your App - Image

Fan Studio

Tools to Help You with App Store Competitor Research

When you’re developing an iPhone game or app, one day the time comes when you need to find out how competitor apps are performing on the App Store

Tools to Help You with App Store Competitor Research - World

Fan Studio

Why You Should Perform Geographical Research Before You Launch Your App

When you launch a new iOS app, you usually invest a lot of time and money in market research.

Why You Should Perform Geographical Research Before You Launch Your App - Graphic design

Fan Studio in App Marketing

Quick Tips for Making Your App More Visible

Are you looking for strategies to make your iOS app more visible to potential users?

Quick Tips for Making Your App More Visible - Logo
Fan Studio Team

Craft Captivating Game Apps:

Bespoke Game Development Studio

Elevate your digital experience with our bespoke game app development services. Our 👑 UK-based studio has a rich history of delivering innovative, top-tier mobile games and apps to a global clientele. Specializing in diverse industries, from education to entertainment, we provide tailored solutions that resonate worldwide, including in the UK, UAE, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Canada, and the USA.

Experience the cutting-edge of game app creation with our passionate team of game developers and designers. Our agile, user-centric approach crafts unique, standout games that capture hearts and minds. With analytics-driven insights and strategic gamification, we ensure fresh, impactful design decisions that make your project a success.

Join forces with Fan Studio, a proud member of UKIE and TIGA, and let’s shape the future of gaming together. Choose innovation, choose excellence, choose Fan Studio for your game app development needs.

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